Vendor Discount Sample

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Company Name: ABC Company
Address: 123 Able Street Nashville, Tennessee 37201
Contact Name: John Doe
Telephone Number: 501.555.5775
Email Address:
Contract Number: # 12345678

Contract Term 4-1-2019 thru 3-31-2020 with two one-year options to extend

The Cooperative is a cooperative which provides goods and services to its members at the best possible value.  The Cooperative is owned by its membership and other purchasing organizations located throughout the United States and Canada.  

Competitively Bid Contract

  • Eliminates the need to obtain informal or formal bids

 Minimum of 10% off all items in the ABC Company General Catalog

  • Significant manufacturer discounts on lighting and tool commodities
  • View Contract Discount Structure

 Single Tier Pricing Program

  • No Basic or Committed Program
  • Reduces complexity

 Customize Your Most Frequently Purchased Items

  • Special pricing on customer-specific products, customizing each unique product needs
  • View entire contract

 Specific Supplemental Agreement

  • Permits Member to further define site agreement to meet specific service needs